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Olive Hill TownshipW central Person County.
Olive HollowW Watauga County, extends northward W of Laurel Creek.
Olivercommunity in E Johnston County.
Oliver ReefS Dare and E Hyde Counties in the waters of Pamlico Sound N of Hatteras Inlet. Presented by the state to the U.S. government in 1874 for use in naval target practice. Returned to the state in 1965.
Oliver's Crossroadscommunity in central Jones County.
Oliverscommunity in central Jones County.
Olivers Crossroadscommunity in S Catawba County.
Olivetcommunity in NW Caldwell County on Mulberry Creek. Named for Olivet Methodist Church, in turn named for biblical Mount Olivet or Mount of Olives.
Olivettecommunity in central Buncombe County.
Oliviacommunity in W Harnett County. Settled about 1865. Known as Rock Branch until 1913, when it was renamed to honor W. J. Olive, who in 1912 introduced cultivation of flue-cured tobacco there.