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Edneyville TownshipNE Henderson County.
Edoniacommunity in S Cumberland County served by post office, 1883-1907.
Edwardtown in SE Beaufort County. Alt. 25. Inc. 1889 as Edwards’ Mill, but long inactive in municipal affairs. Named for Josephus Edwards, who built a mill on nearby Durham Creek about 1868.
Edward CoveS Haywood County on a tributary of Bird Creek.
Edward Jones CreekSee Little Turnbull Creek.
Edwards Branchrises in N Macon County and flows SE into Daves Creek.
Edwards BranchSE Mecklenburg County, flows SE into Briar Creek.
Edwards Branchrises in N Mitchell County and flows S into Little Rock Creek.
Edwards Bridgecommunity in E Greene County on Contentnea Creek. Bridge built over the creek as early as the 1850s.
Edwards Creekrises in SE Macon County and flows SE into Big Creek.