Copyright notice

This article is from the Encyclopedia of North Carolina edited by William S. Powell. Copyright © 2006 by the University of North Carolina Press. Used by permission of the publisher. For personal use and not for further distribution. Please submit permission requests for other use directly to the publisher.

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by Michael Hill, 2006
Additional research provided by Peter A. Coclanis, Stephanie Hall, Will M. Heiser, Charles LeCount, and W.W. Yeargin.

Part i: Overview; Part ii: Improvements in Farming Technology and the Burgeoning of "Mega Farms"; Part iii: Changes in the Agricultural Labor Force; Part iv: Field Crops, Livestock, and Other Agricultural Products; Part v: References

Part V: References

Cornelius O. Cathey, Agricultural Developments in North Carolina, 1783–1860 (1956).

‘‘Country Life in North Carolina,’’ University of North Carolina Extension Bulletin 9 (September 1929).

Pete Daniel, Breaking the Land: The Transformation of Cotton, Tobacco, and Rice Cultures since 1880 (1985).

C. Horace Hamilton, ‘‘What’s Happening to North Carolina Farms and Farmers?’’ Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 403 (August 1958).

Robert Hinton, Cotton Culture on the Tar River: The Politics of Agricultural Labor in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina, 1862–1902 (1993).

Lu Ann Jones, ‘‘ ‘The Task That Is Ours’: White North Carolina Farm Women and Agrarian Reform, 1886–1914’’ (M.A. thesis, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1983).

Jack Temple Kirby, Rural Worlds Lost: The American South, 1920–1960 (1987).

Jane Simpson McKimmon, When We’re Green We Grow (1945).

Educator Resources:

Grades K-8:

Agriculture and Textiles Lesson Plan, State Archives of North Carolina
