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This article is from the Encyclopedia of North Carolina edited by William S. Powell. Copyright © 2006 by the University of North Carolina Press. Used by permission of the publisher. For personal use and not for further distribution. Please submit permission requests for other use directly to the publisher.

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Mountain Heritage Center

by Bruce E. Baker, 2006; Revised by SLNC Government and Heritage Library, August 2024

See also: Western Carolina University

A brick building with glass windows at its front. A small purple sign on the left reads "Mountain Heritage Center."The Mountain Heritage Center, located at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, is a museum focusing on the natural and cultural history and heritage of western North Carolina and the southern Appalachian region. The museum produces a variety of temporary exhibits that illustrate the natural world and mountain societies, past and present. Themes have included blacksmithing traditions in the mountains, Cherokee craft heritage, mountain trout, World War I’s impact, baskets and their makers, and the enduring popularity of hand-woven coverlets and the southern Appalachian handicraft movement.

The Mountain Heritage Center also offers educational programs to the public, presents concerts and lectures, and produces books, tapes, and other materials. The center's largest annual event is Mountain Heritage Day, which is held on the last Saturday in September and boasts a full schedule of traditional music, dance, and craft demonstrations. A midway features some 200 craft booths offering handmade items ranging from woodwork and pottery to quilts and stained glass along with food booths offering traditional treats such as cider, barbecue, and Cherokee fry bread.

Additional Resources:

Mountain Heritage Center Official Website: (accessed August 30, 2024).

"Mountain Heritage Center / Western Carolina University." Blue Ridge National Heritage Area. (accessed August 30, 2024).

Image Credits:

"MHC Front Door, 2024." Mountain Heritage Center, Western Carolina University. 2024. 

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