North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Big Creekrises in W Haywood County near lat. 35°42'05" N., long. 83°14'50" W., and flows NE into Pigeon River.
Big Creekrises in S Haywood County and flows E into West Fork Pigeon River.
Big Creekrises in N Carteret County and flows NE into South River.
Big Creekrises in E Cumberland County and flows NE and SE into South River on the Cumberland-Sampson county line.
Big Creek TownshipNW Stokes County.
Big Cypress Swamprises in S Columbus County and flows S to join Monie Swamp in forming Seven Creeks.
Big Dam Branchrises in N Cherokee County in the Snowbird Mountains and flows SW into Hyatt Creek.
Big Deserter Islanda land formation in S Duplin County surrounded by marsh.
Big Dismala pocosin at the head of Big Swamp, a stream in W Sampson County.
Big Dog Mountainin SE Macon County between Cullasaja River and Kettle Rock.