1966 Cover of Blueprint for Opportunity -126212400

1966 Cover of Blueprint for Opportunity

1966 cover of Blueprint for Opportunity, the magazine for the North Carolina Fund. The North Carolina Fund was a series of programs aimed at eradicating poverty, launched by Governor Terry Sanford in 1963.

For more on poverty and North Carolina in the 1960s check out: 

To Right These Wrongs: The North Carolina Fund and the Battle to End Poverty and Inequality in 1960s America by Robert Korstad and James LeLoudis


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Blueprint for Opportunity. Print.1963. in "Creator of the Month...The North Carolina Fund". By Biff Hollingsworth.UNC Chapel Hill University Library: Southern Sources: Exploring the Southern Collection. June 18 2009. http://www.lib.unc.edu/blogs/shc/index.php/2009/06/18/creator-of-the-mon... (November 2, 2018).