Flossie Moore Durham
All I know is I just have to go back to, you might say, when we first moved to Bynum. I was ten years old at that time.
Mary Frederickson
Where did your family come from? Where had they been living before?
Flossie Moore Durham
In 1894 we moved to Bynum.
Mary Frederickson
You were born in 1884?
Flossie Moore Durham
I was born in 1883.
Mary Frederickson
Where were you born?
Flossie Moore Durham
I was borned down in the country here, down the river here, about ten miles from here, right down the river in the country.
Mary Frederickson
Did your family have a farm?
Flossie Moore Durham
We was on the farm all the time up till… Well, in the first place, there was a crowd of us. There was eight of the children. And I was one of the along-toward-the-middle ones, I say. [Laughter] But anyway, we was on the farm till my father died, and after he died then we moved to Bynum. That was when the Bynum part started for me. But it was quite different then, of course, from what it is now.