Bones from Kennewick Man

Bones from Kennewick Man

In 1996, the skeletal remains of a prehistoric man were found on the bank of the Columbia River near Kennewick, Washington. An archaeologist determined that the man -- referred to as "Kennewick Man" -- had lived 9,200 years ago and died of a projectile wound to the head. These photos from the National Park Service show close-up images of some of Kennewick Man's bones.

The most recent issues with Kennewick Man have to do with who owns the bones. The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) orders that public agencies and organizations that hold Native American remains and religious items must contact the respective tribes to determine the ownership. However, Kennewick man has been under debate because the U.S. District Court declared the bones were not classified as Native American. But, Native American tribes have claimed the bones as their ancestor. In 2014, a physical anthropologist of the Smithsonian claimed the bones were related to the circumpacific groups such as the Ainu and Polynesians. The next year, University of Copenhagen geneticist determined that the bones were most closely related to modern Native Americans. 

For more on the Kennewick Man go to:

On the debate of Kennewick Man's ownership go to:

Public Domain

National Parks Services. [Kennewick Man Bones]. 2000. Digital Image. National Parks Services. (Accessed December 17, 2018).