Ceramic pot from Cherokee County, NC 978325200

Ceramic Pot From Cherokee County, NC

Ceramic pot from Cherokee County, North Carolina, ca. AD 1770. This pot is classified as Late Qualla (AD 1700-1838). Features of Late Qualla pottery are similar to Middle Qualla (AD ca.1450- ca.1700), with its stamped geometric patterns and wide mouth. But, Late Qualla pots seem to have a more pronounced lip at the top, whereas Middle Qualla pots have little to no lip. Most Qualla pottery come from the Cherokee tribe, and despite disease and removal from their land, the Cherokees keep their pottery designs alive.

To learn more about the Late Qualla go to: http://rla.unc.edu/ArchaeoNC/time/contact_Appalachain.htm

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[Ceramic Pot From Cherokee County, NC]. No date. From Intrigue of the Past: North Carolina's First Peoples. Edited by Margo L. Price, Patricia M. Samford, and Vincas P. Steponaitis. (Durham: University of Norht Carolina at Chapel Hill: Research Laboratories of Archaeology), 2001. http://www.rla.unc.edu/lessons/Lesson/L102/L102.htm (Accessed January 2, 2019).