The Death of John Lawson

The Death of John Lawson

Baron Christoph Von Graffenried's drawing, The Death of John Lawson, depicts Von Graffenried, his servant, and John Lawson being held captive by Tuscarora tribe shortly before Lawson's death. In the center of the drawing, the three prisoners sit, hands bound, near a fire. The Tuscarora dance and play drums in a semi-circle on the right, and one Indian stands in the center, holding what appear to be a hatchet and a knife, near two dead animals impaled on sticks. Four Tuscarora in a line on the left seem to be guarding over the prisoners. A few Indian buildings are scattered across the top and bottom of the drawing.

Public Domain


von Graffenried, Christoph. "Christoph von Graffenried (1661-1743), John Lawson (1674-1711), and an enslaved man as prisoners of the Tuscarora, 1711." ca. 1715. Wikimedia Commons.…