Telegram: Martin Luther King Jr. to Gov. Terry Sanford, November 1, 1962 1514782800

Telegram: Martin Luther King Jr. to Gov. Terry Sanford, November 1, 1962

King's telegram asks for North Carolina Terry Sanford to release protesters from jail. He refers to the Bill of Rights in his charge that the arrest was unconstitutional. The protest that most likely sparked this communication between King and Sanford was likely the Edenton Movement, 1961-1962. Unlike other civil rights movements that took place in cities, Edenton took place in a rural area. The movement was spearheaded by Golden Frinks and consisted of picketing, boycotting, strikes, and slowdowns.

For more on the Edenton Movement and Golden Frinks:


Public Domain

King, Martin Luther, Jr. Telegram: Martin Luther King Jr. to Gov. Terry Sanford, November 1, 1962. 1962. Telegram. Terry Sandford Governor's Papers. State Archives of North Carolina. (Accessed November 7, 2018).