Robert Russa Moton High School

Robert Russa Moton High School

Below is the exterior view of Robert Russa Moton High School around 1951. Moton High School was a school for Colored students. As was the case for many colored schools during the Jim Crow era, they were run down and supplies were scarce. The school did not have a gymnasium, cafitoria, or auditorium with fixed seats. In April 1951 Moton High students went on strike for better equipped school. The students were able to gain support from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to file a suit on their behalf. The court case was called, Dorothy E Davis, et al v. County School Board of Prince Edward County, et al.

Public Domain

"Exterior View of Moton High School". ca. 1951; Civil Action No. 1333; Dorothy E Davis, et al. v. County School Board of Prince Edward County et al.; National Archives at Philadelphia, Philadelphia PA. Accessed November 29,2018.