Selling pulque in Zapopan, Mexico 1167627600

Selling pulque in Zapopan, Mexico

A woman sells pulque in a road-side stand. She serves from a earthen-ware jar adorned with large green leaves. Two patrons are waiting for their order.Pulque is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented liquid distilled from the agave plant. The process of fermenting the liquid has been in use since before the arrival of the Spanish. Today, pulque is still popular in local taverns called pulquerias. Outside of Mexico, pulque's cousin, tequila, is the more well-known product of the agave plant. Zapopan is a small suburb of Guadalajara that was originally an Indian village. The town is famous for a 17th century Baroque church that attracts visitors from the surrounding area, especially on religious feast days.Guadalajara was founded soon after the conquest of Mexico in the sixteenth century and has grown to be one of Mexico's primary cities. It is the second largest city in Mexico, behind Mexico City, and is the industrial capital of the country. The city is famous for its manufacture of hardware and software for Mexico's technology industry. It is also a popular tourist destination for its blend of colonial sites and modern conveniences.

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