WBT images
Images from WBT Charlotte in the 1930s.
In the top left, WBT announcer Grady Cole smiles from behind a CBS microphone. In the bottom left is an advertisement for Peruna, one of WBT's sponsors. The ad reads: New Pe-ru-na The famous tonic that helps to WIN FIGHTS WITH COLDS by helping to build up resistance, such resistance often preventing and relieving colds. The photo on the right shows one line-up of the Briarhoppers, a "hillbilly" band that appeared on WBT Charlotte -- North Carolina's first radio station.
The band rose to popularity during a hillbilly craze in the 1930s, when old-time and string bands played on live radio broadcast barn dances. The straw hats, plaid shirts, handkerchiefs, and overalls show a conscious adherence to stereotypical images of hillbillies. The caption below the photo reads: THE BRIARHOPPERS, WBT -- Standing left to right: Whitey & Hogan, Bill Briarhopper, Gibb Young, and Claude Casey. Seated at table, Charlie Crutchfield and Grady Cole. In front of table, Eleanor Bryan, Homer Christopher and Hank Briarhopper. The photos are autographed "Best Wishes, Fiddlin' Hank."
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BT Memories from the Warren Archives. Briarhoppers. Advertisement. 1933. http://btmemories.com/photos/galleries/warren_archives/briarhoppers/wa_b... (accessed May 23, 2022).