A Woman With a Flat Tire, 1915

A Woman With a Flat Tire, 1915

Illustration from Scribner's Magazine article, "The Woman at the Wheel", by Herbert Ladd Towle. The drawing by S. Werner, shows a woman whose car has a flat tire. Caption read, "If the gallant rescuer isn't at hand, she must wait till he appears." Towle's article discusses the increase of women drivers, women as car owners, and reasons for women driving. 

Public Domain


Werner, S. A Woman at the Wheel. From "The Woman at the Wheel". Scribner's Magazine 57, No 2. New York: 1915. Brown University Library: Digital Repository. https://library.brown.edu/cds/repository2/repoman.php?verb=render&id=123... . (Accessed November 2, 2018)