by Lisa Gregory, 2010.

The tables below link to North Carolina malaria statistics, grouped by year. Clicking on a link will take you to an item in the North Carolina Digital Collections.

See also: History and impact of malaria in North Carolina; Public Health; Infectious Diseases

Biennial report of the North Carolina Board of Health

1899-1900 Pages 130-131: Comparative prevalence of diseases by region for 1899-1900

Page 132: Comparative prevalence of diseases reported monthly for 1899-1900

Pages 137-139: Causes of death (including malaria) for 1899

Pages 140-142: Causes of death (including malaria) for 1900
1901-1902 Pages 128-129: Comparative prevalence of diseases by region for 1901-1902

Page 130: Comparative prevalence of diseases reported monthly for 1901-1902

Pages 137-139: Causes of death (including malaria) for 1901

Pages 140-142: Causes of death (including malaria) for 1902
1903-1904 Pages 89-90: Comparative prevalence of diseases by region for 1903-1904

Page 91: Comparative prevalence of diseases reported monthly for 1903-1904

Pages 98-100: Causes of death (including malaria) for 1903

Pages 101-103: Causes of death (including malaria) for 1904
1905-1906 Pages 142-143: Comparative prevalence of diseases by region for 1905-1906

Page 144: Comparative prevalence of diseases reported monthly for 1905-1906

Pages 150-152: Causes of death (including malaria) for 1905

Pages 153-155: Causes of death (including malaria) for 1906
1907-1908 Pages 120-121: Comparative prevalence of diseases by region for 1907-1908

Page 122: Comparative prevalence of diseases reported monthly for 1907-1908

Pages 127-128: Causes of death (including malaria) for 1907

Pages 129-130: Causes of death (including malaria) for 1908
1909-1910 The 1909-1910 Biennial Report does not contain vital statistics.
1911-1912 Pages 204-229: Causes of death (including malaria) for 1911-1912

Pages 242-243: Causes of death (including malaria) by age/race for 1911-1912

Pages 254-255: Deaths by month for 1911-1912
1913 Pages 292-323: Causes of death (including malaria) by town ( over 1,000 residents) for 1913

Pages 336-337:Causes of death (including malaria) by age/race for 1913

Page 362: Deaths by month for 1913

Annual report of the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the North Carolina State Board of Health

1914 Table IV: Causes of death (malaria) by county and race for 1914

Table V. Causes of death by county, age and race for 1914

Table IX. Causes of death by town (over 1,000 residents) for 1914
1915 Table IV. Causes of death by county and race for 1915

Table VI. Causes of death by race and month for 1915

Table IX. Causes of death by town (over 1,000 residents) and race for 1915
1916-1917 Table III. Causes of death by county and race for 1916

Table IV. Causes of death by race and age for 1916

Table V. Causes of death by race and month for 1915

Table VI. Causes of death by town (over 1,000 residents) and race for 1916

Table III. Causes of death by county and race for 1917

Table IV. Causes of death by race and age for 1917

Table V. Causes of death by race and month for 1917

Table VI. Causes of death by town (over 1,000 residents) and race for 1917
1918-1921 No Annual Report was issued.
1922 Table XIV. Causes of death by county and race for 1922

Table XV. Causes of death by town (over 1,000 residents) and race for 1922
1923 Table XI. Showing deaths from malaria by counties and months for 1923

Table XXI. Causes of death by race and age for 1923

Table XXII. Causes of death by county and race for 1923

Table XXIII. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1923
1924 Table IX. Showing deaths from malaria by counties and ratios for 1924

Table XVIII. Causes of death by month for 1924

Table XX. Causes of death by county and race for 1924

Table XXII. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1924
1925 Table IX. Showing deaths from malaria by counties and ratios for 1925

Table XIX. Causes of death by county and race for 1925

Table XXI. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1925
1926 Table IX. Showing deaths from malaria by counties and ratios for 1926

Table XVIII. Causes of death by month for 1926

Table XIX. Causes of death by county and race for 1926

Table XXII. Causes of death by race and age for 1926

Table XXIV. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1926
1927 Table IX. Showing deaths from malaria by counties and ratios for 1927

Table XVIII. Causes of death by month for 1927

Table XIX. Causes of death by county and race for 1927

Table XXII. Causes of death by race and age for 1927

Table XXIV. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1927
1928 Table IX. Showing deaths from malaria by counties and ratios for 1928

Table XVIII. Causes of death by month for 1928

Table XIX. Causes of death by county and race for 1928

Table XXIII-B. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1928

Table XXIV. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1928
1929 Table IX. Showing deaths from malaria by counties and ratios for 1929

Table XVIII. Causes of death by month for 1929

Table XIX. Causes of death by county and race for 1929

Table XXIII. No 3. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1929

Table XXIV. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1929
1930 Table IX. Showing deaths from malaria by counties and ratios for 1930

Table XVIII. Causes of death by month for 1930

Table XIX. Causes of death by county and race for 1930

Table XXIII. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1930

Table XXIV. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1930
1931 Table III. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1931

Table V. Causes of death by county, race and month for 1931

Table VI. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1931

Table VII. Death rate ratios and estimated populations of counties for 1931

Table X. Cases and deaths from diseases by month for 1931

Table XII. Showing deaths, ratios and estimated populations of NC for 1914-1931
1932 Table III. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1932

Table V. Causes of death by county, race and month for 1932

Table VI. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1932

Table VII. Death rate ratios and estimated populations of counties for 1932

Table X. Cases and deaths from diseases by month for 1932
1933 Table III. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1933

Table V. Causes of death by county and race for 1933

Table VI. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1933

Table VII. Death rate ratios and estimated populations of counties for 1933

Table X. Cases and deaths from diseases by month for 1933

Table XII. Deaths, ratios and estimated populations of NC for 1914-1933

1934 Table III. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1934

Table V. Causes of death by county, race and month for 1934

Table VI. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1934

Table VII. Death rate ratios and estimated populations of counties for 1934

Table X. Cases and deaths from diseases by month for 1934

Table XII. Deaths, ratios and estimated populations of NC for 1914-1934
1935 Table III. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1935

Table V. Causes of death by county, race and month for 1935

Table VI. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1935

Table VII. Death rate ratios and estimated populations of counties for 1935

Table X. Cases and deaths from diseases by month for 1935

Table XII. Deaths, ratios and estimated populations of NC for 1914-1935
1936 Table III. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1936

Table V. Causes of death by county, race and month for 1936

Table VI. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1936

Table VII. Death rate ratios and estimated populations of counties for 1936

Table X. Cases and deaths from diseases by month for 1936

Table XII. Deaths, ratios and estimated populations of NC for 1914-1936
1937 Table III. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1937

Table V. Causes of death by county, race and month for 1937

Table VI. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1937

Table VII. Death rate ratios and estimated populations of counties for 1937

Table X. Cases and deaths from diseases by month for 1937

Table XI. Cases of diseases reported by county for 1937

Table XII. Deaths, ratios and estimated populations of NC for 1914-1937
1938 Table III. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1938

Table V. Causes of death by county, race and month for 1938

Table VI. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1938

Table VII. Death rate ratios and estimated populations of counties for 1938

Table X. Cases and deaths from diseases by month for 1938

Table XI. Cases of diseases reported by county for 1938

Table XII. Deaths, ratios and estimated populations of NC for 1914-1938
1939 Table III. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1939

Table V. Causes of death by county, race and month for 1939

Table VI. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1939

Table VII. Death rate ratios and estimated populations of counties for 1939

Table X. Cases and deaths from diseases by month for 1939

Table XI. Cases of diseases reported by county for 1939

Table XII. Deaths, ratios and estimated populations of NC for 1914-1939
1940 Table III. Causes of death by sex, race and age for 1940

Table V. Causes of death by county, race and month for 1940

Table VI. Causes of death by city/town and race for 1940

Table VII. Death rate ratios and estimated populations of counties for 1940

Table X. Cases and deaths from diseases by month for 1940

Table XI. Deaths, ratios and estimated populations of NC for 1914-1940


Gregory, Lisa. "Malaria statistics in North Carolina, 1899-1940." NCpedia. NC Digital Collections. Accessed on February 13th, 2025.