Copyright Notice: This article is from the Encyclopedia of North Carolina edited by William S. Powell. Copyright © 2006 by the University of North Carolina Press. Used by permission of the publisher. For personal use and not for further distribution. Please submit permission requests for other use directly to the publisher.
Matthew Page Andrews, Virginia: The Old Dominion (1949).
John Fiske, Old Virginia and Her Neighbours (1897).
William S. Powell, North Carolina through Four Centuries (1989).
Additional Resources:
Rasmussen, William M. S. and Tilton, Robert S. Old Virginia: The Pursuit of a Pastoral Ideal. Charlottesville, Va.: Howell. 2003.
Image Credits:
Smith, John. The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles: With the Names of the Adventurers, Planters, and Governours from Their First Beginning, Ano: 1584. To This Present 1624. With the Procedings of Those Severall Colonies and the Accidents That Befell Them in All Their Journyes and Discoveries. Also the Maps and Descriptions of All Those Countryes, Their Commodities, People, Government, Customes, and Religion Yet Knowne. Divided into Sixe Bookes. London: J.D. and J.H. for Michael Sparks. 1624. Documenting the American South, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. https://docsouth.unc.edu/southlit/smith/smith.html
Dough, Wynne. "Ould Virginia." NCpedia. Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press. Accessed on February 7th, 2025. https://www.ncpedia.org/ould-virginia.