Until the late 1960s, ads for available jobs were sex-segregated, with separate categories for "Men Wanted" and "Women Wanted."

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act outlawed sex discrimination in employment. The House of Representatives debated about whether or not to add sex discrimination to Title VII (employment discrimination) of the pending civil rights bill. A controversy immediately developed when the new Equal Opportunity Commission initially decided that sex-segregated employment ads were not illegal. After strong feminist protests, the EEOC reversed its position.

The Supreme Court upheld a ban on sex-segregated ads, in Pittsburgh Press v. Pittsburgh Human Relations Commission, on June 21, 1973.

(From "Today in Civil Rights History: August 30, 1967)

Male Help Wanted

  • Office Supervisor: Wholesale distribution office offers rapid financial advancement to young man who learns over-all operation quickly. Start $400. Carolina Employment Agency, 201 First Federal, 200 S. Salisbury.
  • Manager, trainee, degree, groom for upper management, $7,200 up. Dixie Personnel Agcy, 5. 2. Hargett ST, 833-2505
  • Sales, college, public relations position, opportunity! To $8,400. Dixie Personnel Agcy, 5 W. Hargett St, 833-2505
  • Personnel Manager -- $9,500. Exper. Plus degree. Unlimited potential. American Personnel Agcy. 828-0761.
  • Textile Engineer -- $11, 000. Degree necessary. 4yrs experience. American Personnel Agcy. 818-0716.
  • WANTED experienced man to milk cows. Good salary, 6 room house with electric heat, also electric heat in milking parlor. Call (919) 275-1202 or write Hilltop Lane Dairy, McLeansville, N.C. Rt. 2
  • Sales Representative. Several openings in Eastern Carolina for top level men from the selling field or executive group. Position carries very substantial income, group benefits and non-contributory pension plan if you qualify. Want men underpaid in their present field. Lifetime job in permanent industry. Write giving brief hist so that personal interview may be arranged. P.O. Box 10147 , Wilson, N.C..
  • WANTED young man to sell and manage residential heating and air conditioning. Experience necessary. Salary plus sharing profits. Write resume to P.O. Box 10147 Greensboro N.C.
  • MARRIED MAN to assist branch manager, also to service our equipment and learn sales work. Could mean doubling your previous income. Earning opportunity $120 per week while learning. Call for personal interview, days 828-5405.
  • PHARMACIST. Additional Pharmacist wanted for large independent Drug Store. $250wk, 45 hr. Week. Full day off per week. Work 1/2 day every other Sunday. 2 weeks paid vacation. Apply Westgate Pharmacy 1216 w. Front St. Statesville, N.C.
  • BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT. Wanted Building Superintendent for office building in Raleigh. Must supervise 8 janitors and do minor mechanical work. Excellent working conditions and fringe benefits. Apply in person to J.V. Clifton, Dillon Supply Co. An Equal Opportunity Employer.


Female Help Wanted

  • WAITRESS full or part time. Experience not necessary as we will train. S honey'S Big Boy, Downtown Blvd.
  • WANTED, settled white lady to work nights in rest home. Some experience and transportation. 787-3320
  • White waitress needed, salary $60 per wk. Very good tips. Contact Mr. Charlie J. Griffin, Charlie's Restaurant 2936 N. Blvd., Raleigh, N.C.
  • Posting Machine Operator -- $400. Free parking. Exper. Required. American Personal Agcy.
  • Office Assistant -- $325. NO shorthand. Some typing necessary. American Personnel Agcy.
  • Admitting Clerk -- $400. Public relations. Typing and filling. American Personnel Agcy.
  • Bookkeeper, double entry, tax, P&L statements, full charge, $375.
  • Bridal Consultant -- $320. Challenging career. Exper. Needed. American Peronnel Agcy. 828-0716.
  • 1-Girl office: Type nicely, pleasing phone manner. $300. Carolina Employment Agency, 201 First Federal, 300 S. Salisbury.
  • Timberlake Area: General Office "Gal Friday." type job for stable, personable lady in one girl office. Starting $80 week. CAREERS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Rm 98, Bldg. 828-0666.
  • Dept. MGR'S SECY: Enjoy challenge of technical field and a Boss who warrants your respect. $434. Carolina Employment Agency, 201 First Federal, 300 S. Salisbury.
  • LADIES WANTED EASTERN, N.C. Ladies over 35 with car and some ability who can work 20 or more hours a week. Representing a well established nationally known company. Earnings $2.80 per hour. Write P.O. Box 5001, Raleigh, N.C. 27607.
  • UNDERWRITER -- $7400. Trainee position, college grad. American Personnel Agcy. 818-0716
  • CLERICAL -- Sharp girl with no typing but good math aptitude. $330. Job Finders, Raleigh's most convenient employment agency. Phillips Bldg.CLark and Oberline, Cameron Village.
  • Admissions Asst: 40hr wk but schedule is irregular. Nice typing, pleasing public public contact personally. $400. Carolina Employment Agency. 201 First Federal, 300 S. Salisbury.
  • Head Cashier -- $430 Sec. Skills plus poise will get this top opportunity. Ambitious Personnel Agency, 501 Layers Bldg.


Male-Female Help Wanted

  • MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN. Salary and working conditions above average. Write N.C. Lisk, Administrator, Chattam Hospital, IN., Siller City, North Carolina 27344.
  • Watchmaker -- must be experienced. 5 days week, discount on purchases, hopsitalization, and life insurance, profit sharing, vacation, holidays and sick pay. Apply Hudson Belk.
  • TEACHER $5,600 Year 'round employment in specialized courses. P.E. Major will usually qualify. Think you're qualified? Call Linda Melton, 828-7232. Allied Personnel of Raleigh Agency. 610 Raleigh Bldg.
  • Field Representative. The best position we've offered! Good pay, 1 mo. Vacation, retirement, and liberal holiday, schedule. In Cumberland County. Call Linda Melton, 828-7238. Allied Personnel of Raleigh.

Credit text

Employment ads from the Raleigh News and Observer, December 1, 1968.


"Primary Sources: Segregated Employment Ads." NCpedia. Accessed on February 13th, 2025. https://www.ncpedia.org/anchor/primary-sources-segregated.