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This article is from the Encyclopedia of North Carolina edited by William S. Powell. Copyright © 2006 by the University of North Carolina Press. Used by permission of the publisher. For personal use and not for further distribution. Please submit permission requests for other use directly to the publisher.

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by William L. Anderson and Ruth Y. Wetmore, 2006.
Additional research provided by John L. Bell.

Part i: Overview; Part ii: Cherokee origins and first European contact; Part iii: Disease, destruction, and the loss of Cherokee land; Part iv: Revolutionary War, Cherokee defeat and additional land cessions; Part v: Trail of Tears and the creation of the Eastern Band of Cherokees; Part vi: Federal recognition and the fight for Cherokee rights; Part vii: Modern-day Cherokee life and culture; Part viii: References and additional resources

Part VIII: References and additional resources:

Anderson, William L. 1991. Cherokee removal: before and after. Athens: University of Georgia Press.

Duncan, Barbara R., and Brett H. Riggs. 2003. Cherokee heritage trails guidebook. Chapel Hill: Published in Association with the Museum of the Cherokee Indian by the University of North Carolina Press.

Ehle, John. 1988. Trail of tears: the rise and fall of the Cherokee nation. New York: Doubleday.

Finger, John R. 1984. The Eastern Band of Cherokees, 1819-1900. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.

Hatley, M. Thomas. 1993. The dividing paths: Cherokees and South Carolinians through the era of revolution. New York: Oxford University Press.

McLoughlin, William Gerald. 1986. Cherokee renascence in the New Republic. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

O'Donnell, James H. 1976. The Cherokees of North Carolina in the American Revolution. North Carolina bicentennial pamphlet series, 9. [Raleigh]: North Carolina State University Graphics.

Perdue, Theda. 1988. The Cherokee. New York: Chelsea House.

Silver, Timothy. 1990. A new face on the countryside: Indians, colonists, and slaves in South Atlantic forests, 1500-1800. Studies in environment and history. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Thornton, Russell, C. Matthew Snipp, and Nancy Breen. 1990. The Cherokees: a population history. Indians of the Southeast. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Additional Resources:

Eastern Band of Cherokee Website:

Conley, Robert J. The Cherokee Nation:  A History (2005).

Records of the Moravians Among the Cherokee (2010).

Tapper, Susan Cloud. The Cherokee:  A Proud People (2005).

Powell, William Stevens, and Jay Mazzocchi. 2006. Encyclopedia of North Carolina. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

"Cherokee." LearnNC.,23,24

NC Digital Collections resources (Government & Heritage Library and NC State Archives)

Museum of the Cherokee Indian

UNC-TV Online: Folkways: Traditions of the Cherokee.

Holly, Nathaniel F. “‘Living Memorials to the Past’: The Preservation of Nikwasi and the ‘Disappearance’ of North Carolina’s Cherokees.” The North Carolina Historical Review 92, no. 3 (2015): 312–37.

Smith, Katy Simpson. “‘I Look on You... As My Children’: Persistence and Change in Cherokee Motherhood, 1750—1835.” The North Carolina Historical Review 87, no. 4 (2010): 403–30.