Green book cover with picture of four black women in white behind four black men in black. Text reads "An Era of Progress and Promise. The Clifton Conference."
Cover of Era of Progress and Promise. Image courtesy of the NC Digital Collections.
by Christy E. Allen, 2009.

See also: Era of Progress and Promise

Book compiled by W. N. Hartshorn of Clifton, Massachusetts in 1910, concerning the Clifton Conference of 1908.

Browse institutions by location

Alabama ~ Arkansas ~ District of Columbia ~ Florida ~ Georgia ~ Illinois ~ Kansas ~ Kentucky ~ Louisiana ~ Maryland ~ Massachusetts ~ Mississippi ~ Missouri ~ New York ~ North Carolina ~ Ohio ~ Oklahoma ~ Pennsylvania ~ South Carolina ~ Tennessee ~ Texas ~ Virginia ~ West Virginia

back to top~ Alabama (36 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Anniston Normal and Industrial School Anniston 267
Barber Memorial Seminary Anniston 203
Trinity School Athens 154
Central Alabama College Birmingham 192
Miles Memorial College Birmingham 298
Saint Mark's Academic and Industrial School Birmingham 251
United Presbyterian Mission Birmingham 220
Calhoun Colored School Calhoun 330
Camden Academy Camden 220
Canton Bend Mission Camden 221
Centerville Industrial Institute Centerville 358
Corona Industrial Institute Corona 360
Burrell Normal School Florence 147
Cotton Valley School Fort Davis 163
Stephens Memorial School Greensboro 271
Lomax-Hannon High and Industrial School Greenville 292
Hawkinsville Rural and Industrial School Hawkinsville 351
Sherman Industrial Institute Huntsville 359
Kowaliga Academy and Industrial Institute Kowaliga 150
Lum Graded School Lum 259
Lincoln Normal School Marion 153
Miller's Ferry Normal and Industrial School Miller's Ferry 223
Emerson Normal and Industrial Institute Mobile 163
Montgomery Industrial School Montgomery 353
State Normal School Montgomery 356
People's Village School Mount Meigs 362
Agricultural and Mechanical College Normal 352
Midway Mission Prairie 221
Prairie Institute Prairie 221
Payne University Selma 282
Selma University Selma 108
Snow Hill Normal and Industrial Institute Snow Hill 364
Talladega College Talladega 135
Stillman Institute Tuscaloosa 227
Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute Tuskegee 322
Mount Meigs Colored Institute Waugh 309

back to top~ Arkansas (7 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Shorter University Argenta 279,

Arkadelphia Academy Arkadelphia 211
Brinkley Academy Brinkley 269
Philander Smith College Little Rock 194
Richard Allen Institute Pine Bluff 211
Southland College and Normal Institute Southland 257
Haygood Seminary Washington 299

back to top~ District of Columbia (2 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Howard University Washington, DC 302
National Training School for Women and Girls Washington, DC 272

back to top~ Florida (8 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Robert Hungerford Industrial School Eatonville 346
Fessenden Academy and Industrial School Fessenden 155
Cookman Institute Jacksonville 179
Edward Waters College Jacksonville 285
Florida Baptist College Jacksonville 116
Florida Institute Live Oak 128
Orange Park Normal and Manual Training School Orange Park 155
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College Tallahassee 347

back to top~ Georgia (26 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Americus Institute Americus 119
Jeruel Academy Athens 110
Knox Institute and Industrial School Athens 146
Atlanta Baptist College Atlanta 111
Atlanta University Atlanta 307
Clark University Atlanta 175
Gammon Theological Seminary Atlanta 174
Leonard Street Orphans' Home Atlanta 368
Morris Brown College Atlanta 280
Spelman Seminary Atlanta 72
Haines Normal and Industrial School Augusta 204
Paine College Augusta 297
Walker Baptist Institute Augusta 127
Selden Institute Brunswick 346
Holsey Academy Cordele 301
Howard Normal School Cuthbert 164
Payne Institute Cuthbert 282
Forsyth Normal and Industrial School Forsyth 146
Ballard Normal School Macon 158
Central City College Macon 271
Lamson Normal School Marshallville 306
Dorchester Academy McIntosh 160
Sandersville Normal and Industrial School Sandersville 362
Beach Institute Savannah 148
Georgia State and Industrial School Savannah 364
Haven Academy Waynesboro 195

back to top~ Illinois (1 institution) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Manning Bible School Cairo 255

back to top~ Kansas (1 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Western University Quindaro 281

back to top~ Kentucky (11 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Fee Institute Camp Nelson 210
Eckstein Norton Institute Cane Spring 354
Kentucky Normal and Industrial Institute Frankfort 359
Wayman Institute Harrodsburg 285
Chandler Normal School Lexington 162
Lincoln Institute Lincoln 337
Hancock Street Mission Louisville 233
Louisville Christian Bible School Louisville 260
Preston Street Colored Mission Louisville 232
State University Louisville 123,

Atkinson Literary and Industrial College Madisonville 291

back to top~ Louisiana (10 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Peabody State Normal School Alexandria 348
Gilbert Industrial College Baldwin 189
Delhi Institute Delhi 285
Coleman Academy Gibsland 125
Homer College Homer 299
Leland University New Orleans 335
Luther College New Orleans 360
New Orleans University New Orleans 177
Southern University, Agricultural and Mechanical College New Orleans 363
Straight University New Orleans 141

back to top~ Maryland (2 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Morgan College Baltimore 188
Princess Anne Academy Princess Anne 188

back to top~ Massachusetts (1 institution) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Mount Hermon Seminary Clinton 148

back to top~ Mississippi (14 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College Alcorn 341
Southern Christian Institute Edwards 260
Mississippi Industrial College Holly Springs 300
Rust University Holly Springs 193
Jackson College Jackson 106
Central Mississippi College Kosciusko 267
Lincoln School Meridian 152
Meridian Academy Meridian 195
Girl's Industrial School Moorhead 154
Mound Bayou Normal Institute Mound Bayou 153
Natchez College Natchez 270
Tougaloo University Tougaloo 138
Utica Normal and Industrial Institute Utica 346
Mary Holmes Seminary West Point 203

back to top~ Missouri (2 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Western College and Industrial Institute Macon 124
George R. Smith College Sedalia 193

back to top~ New York (1 institution) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Albany Normal School Albany 151

back to top~ North Carolina (34 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Sarah Lincoln Academy Aberdeen 211
Mary B. Mullen School Ayr 262
Washburn Seminary Beaufort 145
Biddle University Charlotte 198
Saint Michael's Church and Industrial School Charlotte 253
Scotia Seminary Concord 201
Edenton Normal and Industrial College Edenton 291
Roanoke Collegiate Institute Elizabeth City 357
State Colored Normal School Elizabeth City 359
Joseph K. Brick Agricultural, Industrial, and Normal School Enfield 144
State Colored Normal School Fayetteville 360
Albion Academy Franklinton 205
Girl's Training School Franklinton 271
Immanuel Lutheran College Greensboro 261
State Agricultural and Mechanical College Greensboro 348
Henderson Normal Institute Henderson 223
High Point Normal and Industrial School High Point 256
Lincoln Academy King's Mountain 154
Kittrell College Kittrell 284
Douglas Academy Lawndale 164
Thompson Institute Lumberton 123
Eastern North Carolina Industrial Academy New Bern 291
Newbern Collegiate Industrial Institute New Bern 116
Saint Augustine's School Raleigh 249
Shaw University Raleigh 84
Livingstone College Salisbury 288
Palmer Memorial Institute Sedalia 358
Billingsley Memorial Academy Statesville 210
Peabody Academy Troy 156
Lovejoy Missionary Institute Tryon 263
Gregory Normal Institute Wilmington 157
Bertie Academy Winsor 270
Slater State Normal and Industrial School Winston-Salem 348
Waters Normal and Industrial Institute Winton 121

back to top~ Ohio (2 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Payne Theological Seminary Wilberforce 279
Wilberforce University Wilberforce 275

back to top~ Oklahoma (1 institution) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Oak Hill Industrial Academy Valliant 207

back to top~ Pennsylvania (2 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Lincoln University Chester County 345
Institute for Colored Youth Cheyney 258

back to top~ South Carolina (28 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Harbison College Abbeville 208
Schofield Normal School Aiken 334
Hardin Institute Allendale 212
Mather Industrial School for Girls Beaufort 123
Port Royal Agricultural School Beaufort 363
Mather Academy and Browning Industrial Home Camden 363
Avery Normal Institute Charleston 145
Charleston Normal and Industrial Institute Charleston 348
Brainerd Institute Chester 205
Allen University Columbia 282
Benedict College Columbia 90
Providence Normal Academy and Industrial School Cowpens 363
Vorhees Industrial School Denmark 350
Penn Normal Industrial and Agricultural School Frogmore. Saint Helena Island 338
Sterling Industrial College Greenville 309
Brewer Normal School Greenwood 159
Bailey View Academy Greers 268
Lancaster Normal and Industrial Institute Lancaster 292
Flegler High School Marion 285
Mayesville Institute Mayesville 349
McCormick Industrial Graded School McCormick 271
Laing Normal and Industrial School Mount Pleasant 257
Claflin University Orangeburg 168
Colored Normal, Industrial, Agricultural and Mechanical College Orangeburg 361
Clinton Normal and Industrial Institute Rock Hill 287
Friendship Normal and Industrial College Rock Hill 268
Kendall Institute Sumter 209
Bettis Academy Warrick 268

back to top~ Tennessee (16 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Academy of Athens Athens 219
Bristol Normal Institute Bristol 219
Cleveland Academy Cleveland 219
Greenville Industrial College Greenville 292
Lane College Jackson 294
Warner Institute Johnsboro 261
Knoxville College Knoxville 214
Howe Bible and Normal Institute Memphis 113
LeMoyne Normal Institute Memphis 161
Morristown Normal and Industrial College Morristown 191
Fisk University Nashville 132
Meharry Medical College Nashville 173
Walden University Nashville 171
Wallace School Riceville 222
Swift Memorial College Rogersville 206
Turner Normal and Industrial Institute Shelbyville 283

back to top~ Texas (11 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Samuel Huston College Austin 182
Tillotson College Austin 149
Mary Allen Seminary Crockett 202
Houston College Houston 126
Bishop College Marshall 102
Wiley University Marshall 185
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College Prarie View 360
Guadalupe College Seguin 269
East Texas Academy Tyler 271
Phillips College Tyler 301
Paul Quinn College Waco 279

back to top~ Virginia (23 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Norfolk Mission College Norfolk 217
Bishop Payne Divinity and Industrial School Petersburg 250
William McKinley Normal and Industrial School Alexandria 361
Boydton Academic and Biblical Institute Boydton 356
Ingleside Seminary Burkeville 205
Christianburg Industrial Institute Cambria 258
Gloucester Agricultural and Industrial School Cappahosic 161
Thyne Institute Chase City 224
Tidewater Collegiate Institute Chesapeake 120
Temperance Industrial and Collegiate Institute Claremont 359
Dinwiddie Agricultural and Industrial School Dinwiddie 290
Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute Hampton 310
Northern Neck Industrial Academy Ivondale 270
Bluestone Mission Jeffress 221
Saint Paul Normal and Industrial School Lawrenceville 245
Virginia Collegiate and Industrial Institute Lynchburg 187
Virginia Theological Seminary and College Lynchburg 265
Manassas Industrial School Manassas 361
Martinsville Christian Institute Martinsville 261
Rappahannock Industrial Academy Ozeana 267
Virginia Normal and Industrial Institute Petersburg 343
Hartshorn Memorial College Richmond 117
Virginia Union University Richmond 96

back to top~ West Virginia (3 institutions) ~

Institution City Page(s)
Storer College Harper's Ferry 255
Colored Orphan Home and Industrial School Huntington 355
West Virginia Colored Institute Institute 354


Allen, Christy E. "Era of Progress and Promise: Browse institutions by location." NCpedia. NC Digital Collections. Accessed on February 10th, 2025.