See also: Era of Progress and Promise
Book compiled by W. N. Hartshorn of Clifton, Massachusetts in 1910, concerning the Clifton Conference of 1908.
Browse institutions by location
Alabama ~ Arkansas ~ District of Columbia ~ Florida ~ Georgia ~ Illinois ~ Kansas ~ Kentucky ~ Louisiana ~ Maryland ~ Massachusetts ~ Mississippi ~ Missouri ~ New York ~ North Carolina ~ Ohio ~ Oklahoma ~ Pennsylvania ~ South Carolina ~ Tennessee ~ Texas ~ Virginia ~ West Virginia
~ Alabama (36 institutions) ~
~ Arkansas (7 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Shorter University | Argenta | 279, 364 |
Arkadelphia Academy | Arkadelphia | 211 |
Brinkley Academy | Brinkley | 269 |
Philander Smith College | Little Rock | 194 |
Richard Allen Institute | Pine Bluff | 211 |
Southland College and Normal Institute | Southland | 257 |
Haygood Seminary | Washington | 299 |
~ District of Columbia (2 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Howard University | Washington, DC | 302 |
National Training School for Women and Girls | Washington, DC | 272 |
~ Florida (8 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Robert Hungerford Industrial School | Eatonville | 346 |
Fessenden Academy and Industrial School | Fessenden | 155 |
Cookman Institute | Jacksonville | 179 |
Edward Waters College | Jacksonville | 285 |
Florida Baptist College | Jacksonville | 116 |
Florida Institute | Live Oak | 128 |
Orange Park Normal and Manual Training School | Orange Park | 155 |
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College | Tallahassee | 347 |
~ Georgia (26 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Americus Institute | Americus | 119 |
Jeruel Academy | Athens | 110 |
Knox Institute and Industrial School | Athens | 146 |
Atlanta Baptist College | Atlanta | 111 |
Atlanta University | Atlanta | 307 |
Clark University | Atlanta | 175 |
Gammon Theological Seminary | Atlanta | 174 |
Leonard Street Orphans' Home | Atlanta | 368 |
Morris Brown College | Atlanta | 280 |
Spelman Seminary | Atlanta | 72 |
Haines Normal and Industrial School | Augusta | 204 |
Paine College | Augusta | 297 |
Walker Baptist Institute | Augusta | 127 |
Selden Institute | Brunswick | 346 |
Holsey Academy | Cordele | 301 |
Howard Normal School | Cuthbert | 164 |
Payne Institute | Cuthbert | 282 |
Forsyth Normal and Industrial School | Forsyth | 146 |
Ballard Normal School | Macon | 158 |
Central City College | Macon | 271 |
Lamson Normal School | Marshallville | 306 |
Dorchester Academy | McIntosh | 160 |
Sandersville Normal and Industrial School | Sandersville | 362 |
Beach Institute | Savannah | 148 |
Georgia State and Industrial School | Savannah | 364 |
Haven Academy | Waynesboro | 195 |
~ Illinois (1 institution) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Manning Bible School | Cairo | 255 |
~ Kansas (1 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Western University | Quindaro | 281 |
~ Kentucky (11 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Fee Institute | Camp Nelson | 210 |
Eckstein Norton Institute | Cane Spring | 354 |
Kentucky Normal and Industrial Institute | Frankfort | 359 |
Wayman Institute | Harrodsburg | 285 |
Chandler Normal School | Lexington | 162 |
Lincoln Institute | Lincoln | 337 |
Hancock Street Mission | Louisville | 233 |
Louisville Christian Bible School | Louisville | 260 |
Preston Street Colored Mission | Louisville | 232 |
State University | Louisville | 123, 273 |
Atkinson Literary and Industrial College | Madisonville | 291 |
~ Louisiana (10 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Peabody State Normal School | Alexandria | 348 |
Gilbert Industrial College | Baldwin | 189 |
Delhi Institute | Delhi | 285 |
Coleman Academy | Gibsland | 125 |
Homer College | Homer | 299 |
Leland University | New Orleans | 335 |
Luther College | New Orleans | 360 |
New Orleans University | New Orleans | 177 |
Southern University, Agricultural and Mechanical College | New Orleans | 363 |
Straight University | New Orleans | 141 |
~ Maryland (2 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Morgan College | Baltimore | 188 |
Princess Anne Academy | Princess Anne | 188 |
~ Massachusetts (1 institution) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Mount Hermon Seminary | Clinton | 148 |
~ Mississippi (14 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College | Alcorn | 341 |
Southern Christian Institute | Edwards | 260 |
Mississippi Industrial College | Holly Springs | 300 |
Rust University | Holly Springs | 193 |
Jackson College | Jackson | 106 |
Central Mississippi College | Kosciusko | 267 |
Lincoln School | Meridian | 152 |
Meridian Academy | Meridian | 195 |
Girl's Industrial School | Moorhead | 154 |
Mound Bayou Normal Institute | Mound Bayou | 153 |
Natchez College | Natchez | 270 |
Tougaloo University | Tougaloo | 138 |
Utica Normal and Industrial Institute | Utica | 346 |
Mary Holmes Seminary | West Point | 203 |
~ Missouri (2 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Western College and Industrial Institute | Macon | 124 |
George R. Smith College | Sedalia | 193 |
~ New York (1 institution) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Albany Normal School | Albany | 151 |
~ North Carolina (34 institutions) ~
~ Ohio (2 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Payne Theological Seminary | Wilberforce | 279 |
Wilberforce University | Wilberforce | 275 |
~ Oklahoma (1 institution) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Oak Hill Industrial Academy | Valliant | 207 |
~ Pennsylvania (2 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Lincoln University | Chester County | 345 |
Institute for Colored Youth | Cheyney | 258 |
~ South Carolina (28 institutions) ~
~ Tennessee (16 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Academy of Athens | Athens | 219 |
Bristol Normal Institute | Bristol | 219 |
Cleveland Academy | Cleveland | 219 |
Greenville Industrial College | Greenville | 292 |
Lane College | Jackson | 294 |
Warner Institute | Johnsboro | 261 |
Knoxville College | Knoxville | 214 |
Howe Bible and Normal Institute | Memphis | 113 |
LeMoyne Normal Institute | Memphis | 161 |
Morristown Normal and Industrial College | Morristown | 191 |
Fisk University | Nashville | 132 |
Meharry Medical College | Nashville | 173 |
Walden University | Nashville | 171 |
Wallace School | Riceville | 222 |
Swift Memorial College | Rogersville | 206 |
Turner Normal and Industrial Institute | Shelbyville | 283 |
~ Texas (11 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Samuel Huston College | Austin | 182 |
Tillotson College | Austin | 149 |
Mary Allen Seminary | Crockett | 202 |
Houston College | Houston | 126 |
Bishop College | Marshall | 102 |
Wiley University | Marshall | 185 |
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College | Prarie View | 360 |
Guadalupe College | Seguin | 269 |
East Texas Academy | Tyler | 271 |
Phillips College | Tyler | 301 |
Paul Quinn College | Waco | 279 |
~ Virginia (23 institutions) ~
~ West Virginia (3 institutions) ~
Institution | City | Page(s) |
Storer College | Harper's Ferry | 255 |
Colored Orphan Home and Industrial School | Huntington | 355 |
West Virginia Colored Institute | Institute | 354 |