Part i: Overview; Part ii: Colonial era to the Civil War; Part iii: Industrial age; Part iv: Modern furniture industry; Part v: Companies; Part vi: References and resources

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Bivins, John. 1988. The furniture of coastal North Carolina, 1700-1820. The Frank L. Horton series. Winston-Salem: Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts.

Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts, John Bivins, and Forsyth Alexander. 1991. The regional arts of the early South: a sampling from the collection of the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts. Winston-Salem, N.C.: The Museum.

Stillinger, Elizabeth. 1972. The Antiques guide to decorative arts in America, 1600-1875. New York: Dutton.

Stoesen, Alexander R. 1993. Guilford County: a brief history. [Guilford County]: North Carolina Division of Archives and History.

Image Credits:

Kelly, [first name unknown]. "Giles Nolan, a salesman for Kroehler Furniture Co, at the High Point furniture market, takes the orders of a couple of buyers in the colorful Kroehler exhibit," 1960-01-20. Photograph no. ConDev60-9A. From North Carolina Conservation and Development Department, Travel and Tourism Division photo files, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, NC, USA.