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Price, Thomas Frederick
Price, Thomas Moore
Prichard, John Lamb
Primary Source: Charles Brantley Aycock and His Views on Education
Primary Source: Harriet Jacobs Book Excerpt
Primary Source: "A poor, ignorant, squalid population"
Primary Source: "Address to the Colored People of North Carolina"
Primary Source: "Be saved from the jaws of an angry hell"
Primary Source: "Creed of a Rioter"
Primary Source: "Fear of Insurrection"
Primary Source: "For us the War is Ended"
Primary Source: "For What Is a Mother Responsible?"
Primary Source: "I am sorry to tell that some of our brave boys has got killed"
Primary Source: "My dear I ha'n't forgot you"
Primary Source: "My dear little darling"
Primary Source: "No one has anything to sell"
Primary Source: "The duty of colored citizens to their country"
Primary Source: "The Southern Cross"
Primary Source: "We have unexpectedly become civilized"
Primary Source: "Where Home Used to Be"
Primary Source: 1835 Amendments to the North Carolina Constitution
Primary Source: 1912 Winston Salem Segregation Ordinance Enacted
Primary Source: 4-H Club Instructions
Primary Source: 4-H Club Promotional Materials
Primary Source: A Bilious Fever
Primary Source: A Bill to Prevent All Persons from Teaching Slaves to Read or Write, the Use of Figures Excepted (1830)
Primary Source: A Black Officer in an Integrated Army
Primary Source: A Brief Description of the Province of Carolina
Primary Source: A Civil War at Home: Treatment of Unionists
Primary Source: A Declaration and Proposals of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina (1663)
Primary Source: A Father's Advice to His Sons
Primary Source: A Female Raid
Primary Source: A Free School in Beaufort
Primary Source: A German Immigrant Writes to Home
Primary Source: A Letter from Major Christopher Gale, November 2, 1711
Primary Source: A Letter to Brigadier General Rutherford