See also: The Way We Lived in North Carolina: Introduction; Part I: Natives and Newcomers, North Carolina before 1770; Part II: An Independent People, North Carolina, 1770-1820; Part III: Close to the Land, North Carolina, 1820-1870; Part IV: The Quest for Progress, North Carolina 1870-1920; Part V: Express Lanes and Country Roads, North Carolina 1920-2001

Part III: North Carolina in the 19th Century
North Carolinians of the nineteenth century dwelt in an agrarian world. This series of articles, Close to the Land, details the lives of antebellum Carolinians from the tobacco field to the grist mill, the courthouse to the schoolyard, and the camp-meeting arbor to the enslaved peoples' quarters.
The farm, whether of ten acres or ten thousand, was the basic unit of economic production and social organization in antebellum North Carolina. The Tar Heel town, whether port city or backcountry village, was intrinsically tied to agriculture. Even budding industry and improved transporation facilities were essentially the outgrowth of efforts to process agricultural products and to reach markets efficiently. Although war and industrial expansion were to revolutionize society and transform the economy, the state's continued committment to agriculture linked North Carolina with its rural traditions.
North Carolina in the Victorian Era 1820-1870
Rural Community: North Carolina 1820-1870
Town Life and Enterprise: North Carolina 1820-1870
Forces for Change: North Carolina 1820-1870